01.04.20 Reception

Date: 1st Apr 2020 @ 9:53am


I hope everyone is well? Today, I am going to make some little Easter eggs out of paper for Freddie to find around the garden. We have been reading the story Fox’s Socks and trying to learn about different prepositions. He is getting better following my instructions but you all know from my stories at school he would rather just hide behind my curtains!!

I hope that your nature dairy entries are going well and you are all using your phonics to aid with spelling.

If you could do your home learning in your yellow books that would be fantastic and then when we get back to school I can look at them.


Today, I would like you to use your number lines to make ways to find; 5, 10, 8. For example 4+4=8.

I know that some of you love to set this out just like I do on the IWB, or if you want to think of a more creative way that is absolutely fine.

You could also show you adult how we draw maths stories in Reception (most of mine are around food).

Have fun!

Moss Bank Road, Swinton, Manchester, M27 9XB

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