
Why is it important for children not to miss school?
All parents want the best for their children and for them to get on well in life. Having a good education is important to ensure that they have the best opportunities in their adult life. They only get one chance at school, and your child’s future may be affected by not attending school regularly. If children do not attend school regularly they may:
-Struggle to keep up with school work. In a busy school day it is difficult for schools to find the extra time to help a child catch up.
-Miss out on the social side of school life.

Poor attendance can affect children’s ability to make and keep friendships; a vital part of growing up. Setting good attendance patterns from an early age, from nursery through primary school will also help your child later on in their life. Children who have a poor school attendance record may have less chance of securing a job when they are adults. Every child or young person is entitled to an education. Parents who do not ensure their children receive an appropriate education put their whole future at risk. Being absent from school means a lost learning opportunity.

Being on time is also vital. Arriving late at school can be very disruptive for your child, their teacher and the other children in the class. Some parents may be finding it difficult to ensure that their child attends school regularly. If this is the case please speak to us as soon as possible
so that the situation can be addressed. 

What might the impact of poor attendance be on your child?
In primary schools less than 65% of children achieve good results in English and Maths with an average of 15 days absence a year compared to almost 90% where the average is less than 8 days. Parents can be very surprised at how quickly their children can accumulate 15 days absence within a year.

What does the law say?
All children of compulsory school age are required to receive an education. As parents/carers you are responsible for ensuring your child receives an education. You risk criminal prosecution if your child fails to attend regularly, and punctually, at the school where s/he is registered. Prosecutions may result in fines of up to £2,500 and/or the possibility of a three months imprisonment. Courts may at their discretion impose a parenting order or direct the LEA to apply for an Education Supervision Order which puts a child of compulsory school age, who is not being properly educated under Local Education Authority supervision.

What happens if your child does not attend school regularly?
All Salford Schools are responsible for keeping accurate records of attendance. School will contact you with any concerns they have regarding your child′s attendance. The Education Attendance Service works closely with school staff, parents, and when necessary, other agencies to help you and your child overcome any attendance problems. 

What about authorised absence?
There may be times when a child has to miss school because they are ill. This is to be expected and parents/carers should follow the school’s procedures for notifying  us about illness. Children may also have to attend a medical or dental appointment in school time. However, parents/carers should try to make routine
appointments such as dental check-ups during the school holiday or after school hours. Any absence must be requested as far in advance as possible. Absences can only be authorised by the school. 


If your child is absent you should contact the school the same day with the reason for the absence. The school will inform you if your child’s absence or lateness causes concern and will work with you to find a way of improving your child’s attendance.

What can you do to help?
-If you suspect that your child is unhappy at school you should contact the school as soon as possible so that you can work with them to resolve any difficulties.
-Be on alert for any particular reasons for non-attendance, such as problems with school work and discuss these with the school.
-If your child is ill or absent for any other reasons, contact the school on the first day of absence.
-Follow the schools’ procedures for notifying absence, and always let the school know of any days that your child is unable to attend.
-Make sure your child arrives at school on time.
-Take an interest in your child’s education. Ask them about their day and praise and encourage their achievements at school.

The world is run by those who turn up.
Attending school every day = 100% attendance

Attending 4½ days a week = 90% attendance = 4 weeks missed per year

Attending 4 days a week = 80% attendance = more than half a term missed per year.

Attending 3½ days each week = 70% attendance = more than a quarter of the school year missed.

An average attendance of 80% or less across a child’s school career adds up to missing a whole 2 years from school.

Being late for school reduces learning time.
If your child is 5 minutes late every day they will miss three days of learning each year.

If your child is 15 minutes late every day they will miss 2 weeks of learning each year.

Make every minute count






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Moss Bank Road, Swinton, Manchester, M27 9XB

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0161 921 1098

Mrs Statham | School Business Manager

Miss Briffa | School Administrator

[email protected]

Mr M Foster | Head Teacher

Mrs K Walker | Deputy Head Teacher

Mrs K Flanagan | SENCO

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