Religious Life at Wardley

Our Vision - We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. Phillippians 4:13

Lived out through our core Christian values in school, at home and in our local community.

At Wardley, we aim to work alongside parents, carers and our local community to bring our children to a deeper understanding of the truths of the Christian faith. Through explicit teaching about Jesus and the Church, and the development of prayer and worship in school, we provide daily experiences where children live the gospel values; have respect for the opinions and beliefs of others, and grow in their own faith. We see this as our core purpose, and alongside their formation as children of God, we strive to ensure that each child fulfills their God-given potential -academically, socially, emotionally and spiritually.

We understand the importance of working with our parents, carers and the wider community to achieve these aims.

Each half-term a hand-out is sent home with information about the Christian value that we are looking at in our collective worship with ideas for activities to share and complete at home. The children are given the opportunity to further develop their understanding of the values through work that they complete at home in their home worship books. They have the chance to share these books with the whole school in collective worship each Thursday. One of the children is chosen to look after Sammy The Bear (our school worship mascot) and a copy of their work is put into our school home worship book.

The Christian values hand-out is also shared with our local church, All Saints Church, to display. This link is further reinforced by the class visit to All Saints Church each half-term to attend a Wednesday morning service led by Father Jeremy. This gives the children the opportunity to share what they have learnt about the values through their collective worship in school. Over the course of the academic year all our infant and junior classes have the chance to do this.

Moss Bank Road, Swinton, Manchester, M27 9XB

We are proud of our school and the personal and academic achievements of our pupils. We hope that you can get a sense of our energy, ambition and ethos from this website. If you are interested in finding out more, do get in touch. Our children and staff would love to show you around.

0161 921 1098

Mrs Statham | School Business Manager

Miss Briffa | School Administrator

[email protected]

Mr M Foster | Head Teacher

Mrs K Walker | Deputy Head Teacher

Mrs K Flanagan | SENCO

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