Wardley CE Primary strives to develop all of its children as confident, creative learners, growing in faith, developing respect for themselves and others with positive attitudes and the ambition to nurture their talents and use them well.
The SEND coordinator is Kelly Flanagan. She can be contacted either by email [email protected]) or by phoning the school office (0161 921 1098). These details can also be found in the SEND Information Report
SEND Complaints. If your child has a special educational need, and your complaint is with regards to the support that the school provides in relation to this, please communicate directly with the school's SEND coordinator. If your concern or complaint is not resolved at this stage, please speak to the head teacher. Support for SEND complaints is provided via the Salford Information Advice and Support Service. This service provides independent advice, information and support for children, young people and parents and carers in Salford about SEND. This includes liaising between home, school, the LA, health and social services, educational psychology service and education welfare service. They can be contacted on 0161 778 0343/0349 or [email protected] or
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