Date: 11th Feb 2022 @ 3:48pm

Over this half-term we are looking at the Christian value of justice. In our collective worship this week we listened to the Bible story about The Rich Young Man and thought about what being fair means to us. The children, as always, had some fantastic ideas:

‘Sharing things equally.’ Delilah Y1. ‘Treating everybody the same.’ Lucy Y1.

‘Fairness reminds me of the story of Zacchaues who lived in Jericho and was a tax collector. This means he took other people’s money and he was not nice. Jesus showed him how he could be a better person by being fair.’Sienna Y3.

‘Being fair means that you treat people in the way that you want to be treated.’ Lily D Y4.

‘Being fair means treating everybody equally and in the way that you would want to be treated.’ Jessica Y5.

‘Being fair means treating others with equality.’ Ava S Y6.

The Y2 children wrote the words for our prayer this week:

Dear Lord,

Make us show justice.

Help us to be wise like you are.

Show us how to be fair,

And how to stand up for people who are treated unfairly.

Help us to be repsonsibelf ro everything that we do.

Show us how we can help everyone be included,

And help charities that help other people.

If we do something wrong, help us to make the right choices.

Thank you Lord,


The children showed us that they have a really good understanding about what being fair means. It is also lovely to see the way that they put  their ideas into practice in school each day.

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