Date: 17th Jun 2021 @ 2:37pm

Over this half-term we are looking at the Christian value of peace. In our collective worship this week we thought about peaceful places. As part of their discussion on this, the children had to think about what makes them feel peaceful. They had some fantastic ideas:

‘Relaxing with my new kitten on the sofa makes me feel peaceful. Also reading a book in my bed.’ Phoebe Y2.

‘My peaceful place is the beach because the sand feels amazing. The water is beautiful and sparkly. The waves make a nice crashing sound.’ William Y3.

‘My peaceful place is in my bedroom doing some sketches with peaceful music on.’ Brayden Y4.

‘When I am walking it makes me feel peaceful since I can listen to the birds singing and see the flowers swaying in the wind.’ Brooke Y5.

‘For me, peaceful means, lying down in a field when the sun is about to set, breathing the fresh air and focusing on the sounds around you.’ Larisa Y6.

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