Date: 14th May 2021 @ 2:43pm

What do you think a miracle is?

In our collective worship this week we thought about the miracle of God’s creation. The children then had to think about what they felt a miracle was. As always, they had some fantastic ideas:

‘I think a miracle is when it is sunny and hot and you hear children playing and having fun. I think spring is a miracle because of all the beautiful life in this season.’ Max Y3.

‘I think a miracle is how Jesus rose from the dead and cured sickness and healed the blind. I also think a miracle is how God made this miraculous world.’ Faith Y4.

‘I think a miracle is an unbelievable moment of luck that has happened to you. Something that is impossible for a human to achieve. I think God makes miracles to support people in need and to reward deserving people.’ Naomi Y5.

‘A miracle is life on our planet, the trees, the foliage, the creatures that roam the earth, the flowers that grow, the meadows and the fields. Additionally, I think it is a miracle that our planet is in the perfect position and with the perfect axis to allow life to flourish.’ Bella Y6.

The children in Y2 also wrote a wonderful prayer for us to share in our act of worship:

Dear Lord,

Thank you for the miracles all around us.

For creating our planet Earth and the sun that gives us warmth.

We give thanks for the plants, trees and flowers that give us oxygen to live.

Thank you for the seas, rivers and waterfalls.

For the miracles of all animals and the fish that swim in the ocean.

We thank you for the birds that chirp and the bees that make us honey. 

For food and water to live.

And for rainbows, the moon and the stars that twinkle at night.

Last of all, we thank you for making us.

We promise that we will look after the gorgeous planet that you made for us.

We promise to always love our beautiful world.



Mr M. Foster


Moss Bank Road, Swinton, Manchester, M27 9XB

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