Date: 15th Oct 2021 @ 1:21pm

Thoughtful Book Responses

Over this half-term we have been looking at the Christian value of trust. In our collective worship this week we tried to explain why memories are important to us. The children, as always, had some fantastic ideas:

‘When people are kind, it reminds us to be kind too.’ Emmi Y1.

‘Memories can be important as they remind us of happy times. They can also help us to make better decisions and learn from our mistakes.’ Phoebe Y3.

‘Memories can remind us about mistakes we have made and so in the future you can tell yourself not to do that again. When you are sad, memories can also cheer you up.’ Ethan Y4.

‘Memories are important as they can give us the strength to move on during hard times. They help us reflect on what we do and keep us happy and laughing.’ Phoebe Y5.

‘Memories can be very important to us all as they can bring happiness to people’s faces and help you remember happy times.’ Charlie Y6.

Our prayer this week was written by the children in Y2.

Dear God,

We trust in you.

We believe that you are there for us.

We know that you will never let us down

We have faith because you are always there.

You are our anchor

If we trust in you we will be safe.

If we are scared you will protect us.

If we need your help you will save us.

Thank you for always being there.


Home Worship Book Activities

This week all the infant and junior children took home a special home worship book. If they want to, they can use it to put in any thoughts, reflections or prayers in whatever form they choose - drawings, writing or photos. This can be linked into our weekly worship theme or just be something that has come from them.

This week we have been thinking about trusting the future to God and this links into the theme of saving our environment that our courageous advocates all spoke about this week in school. So they might want to put something into their home worship book about the future of our planet and how important it is that we trust each other to look after God’s wonderful creation.

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