Date: 15th Nov 2021 @ 11:38am

Thoughtful Book Responses

Over this half-term we are looking at the Christian value of forgiveness. One of the Bible stories that we have looked at in our collective worship was ‘The Lost Son’. After listening to the story, the children had to explain what it feels like to be let down and how best to deal with it. As always, they had some great ideas:

‘We discussed how everyone makes silly mistakes, and if they are truly sorry then it is important to forgive them for making that mistake.We also talked about how important it is to draw a line under the mistake and not always bring it up again and again. In Y1, we believe that we should treat people how we want to be treated.’ The Y1 class.

‘If I was let down I would feel blue and anxious. To deal with this I would ask them why and if they had a good reason then I would forgive them.’ Lola Y1.

‘If someone's friend let them down then they might feel disappointed and that they couldn’t trust them. Talking to an adult, like your teacher, can help to sort it out.’ Olivia Y3.

‘When I get let down I feel anxious, but I try and calm down and then sort it out.’ Emily Y4.

‘You might feel disappointed because someone has let you down. However, you have to forgive and forget. If someone lets you down, it is best to accept their apology if they are sorry.’ Ellie Y5.

‘If I was let down I would feel angry and embarrassed. I would go and speak to them about it and I would also go and speak to a trusted adult about it.’ Charlie Y6.

Home Worship Book Activities

All of our infant and junior children have a special home worship book. If they want to, they can use it to put in any thoughts, reflections or prayers in whatever form they choose - drawings, writing or photos. This can be linked into our weekly worship theme or just be something that has come from them. They might want to link it into one of our weekly Bible stories, such as the story of The Lost Son or The Lord’s Prayer.

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