24th March 2020

Date: 24th Mar 2020 @ 11:08am

24th March 2020

Good morning Year 6, I hope that you are all still well.

Yesterday, I asked you all to begin a little project about the Titanic - I hope that you've been able to make a start and have found out some fascinating facts about it. Tom and George both drew detailed pictures of the Titanic yesterday; may be you could have a go too?

Please remember to keep up with your 5 a day. Mathematical calculations are great for stimulating your brain and your Mathletics tasks will support this too.

Whilst the weather is so glorious, please get outside and get some sunshine on your faces :) The children in school are currently collecting sticks, leavers and flowers to make a bug hotel - perhaps you could try this at home.

Please keep going with the tasks that I set you on the activity sheet.

I'll post on here again tomorrow. Enjoy the rest of your day.

Mrs Walker xxxx

Moss Bank Road, Swinton, Manchester, M27 9XB

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