25th March 2020

Date: 25th Mar 2020 @ 10:52am

Wednesday 25th March

Good morning Year 6 - the sun is shining again so I hope that you are all managing to get outside in your garden or an open space to get some well needed fresh air.

Today I would like you complete your 5 A Day and Mr Foster says that he has put your Mathletics tasks online for you. He also says to tell you that if you achieve less than 50% on the activity, he will reset it so that you can re-do it and hopefully increase your score. 

Spelladrome has the Y5/6 spellings on there so please get on with the games and tests and Times Tables RockStars is there for you to keep your mental maths active - so please get on with these, if just for 15 mins each. Remember, I do not want your brains turning to mush over this period!

I hope that many of you are underway with your Titanic research. Yesterday, Tom found out about its captain...what a sad end to such a coloured career! See if you can find out more about him.He was also quite fascinated by the different treatment of the people in the different classes. Again, see if you can find out about this; it proves an interesting read :)

And talking about reading....why not take a book/magazine/newspaper outside and read for 30 mins in the fresh air at some point this afternoon.

Enjoy your day and I'll post again to tomorrow.

Lots of love to you all - Mrs W xxx

Moss Bank Road, Swinton, Manchester, M27 9XB

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