Ambition Day in Year 3
Date: 16th Feb 2024 @ 2:25pm
Friday 16th February 2024
Today we celebrated Ambition Day by coming into school dressed up as the person we would like to be when we are older.
We spent the afternoon thinking about the job we would love to do and why it appealed to us so much. We also explored the personal qualities we might need to achieve our ambition such as perseverance, friendship, courage, trust and respect. We also thought about the courses, qualifications and challenges we might face to become police officers, vets, beauty therapists, make-up artists, footballers, teachers, racing car drivers, pilots, artists, rock stars, YouTubers, doctors, mechanics, engineers, face painters, singer, zookeepers, astronauts, Olympic gymnasts, hairdressers, boxers, dancers and comedians.
Some children made some amazing posters which explained their reasons for choosing their job. The photographs show us what a fantastic time we all had.
I would personally like to thank make-up artists/beauticians Delilah and Lola for my amazing make-over. I looked a million dollars for my night out. Even some of the parents were wondering who this young man was seeing their children out of school.
Year 3 has really enjoyed this experience and celebration. We have learned so many new things about our own, and our friends’, ambitions that we can now take and use these ideas in our own lives. On a personal note, I have loved listening to the children talk so passionately about their ambitions.
Today, we learned that we can be anything we want to. We can achieve our ambition if we put our mind, heart and soul into it. Keep persevering. Nothing can stop us.
‘We can do all things.’