Anti-Bullying Week in Year 3
Date: 15th Nov 2022 @ 12:24pm
PSHE in Year 3
Anti-Bullying Week
14th – 18th November 2022
This week is Anti-bullying Week and we have been focussing on the important theme of Bullying and how to deal with any related incidents.
The children have shown us how compassionate and empathetic they are towards their friends and family.
We know that bullying is when someone acts intentionally (on purpose) to hurt another person on more than one occasion. We use the acronym STOP.
We have learned to recognise different types of bullying such as cyber-, physical, verbal and emotional and describe the effects that unkind actions and words have on individuals.
Also, we have looked at ways we can deal with bullying issues so they can help themselves and others too.
This morning, the children were treated to a magnificent performance by the B-Tales group. Their play focussed on many aspects of bullying, many of which the children picked up on during a Q and A session at the end. On a side note, I thought the actor who played the supply teacher was magnificent.
We also took part in ‘Odd Socks Day’ to recognise that we are all different in many ways.
The children have used their PSHE books to ‘splurge’ their thoughts and ideas about our anti-bullying activities and explained what they have learned.
Although the children had lots of fun, the seriousness of the message was not lost and I was extremely proud of how maturely they tackled such issues.