Design and Technology in Year 3 - 'Brilliant Bags'

Date: 31st Mar 2023 @ 3:47pm

Over the last few days, Year 3 has taken part in Design and Technology Week.

Design and Technology is the study of designing and creating a product for someone to use.

This term, Year 3 has focussed on textiles. With very little experience, the children managed to use running stitch, back stitch, cross stitch and over stitch (as well as some stitches of their own design) to create some amazing samplers and bags. They showed great perseverance throughout the whole process.

Here is what the children thought.

“I tried so hard with back stitch and finally did it.”

“I can’t believe I can use these different stitches”

“I am so pleased with my bag. I’m going to fill it with rocks.”

“I have decided to use my bag for my glasses.”

“I am so proud of my product.”

“I think I will try sewing and cross-stitch at home.”

As Design and Technology subject leader, I am so proud that D & T continues to develop at Wardley. All he teachers and children have and created some amazing products; building on the skills that they were mastering previously.

A huge thank you also to all the parents and carers that came in to help.  Your support was amazing and the children really benefitted from your knowledge, skills and experience. Dare I say, we all had a really good couiple of afternoons.

Have a look at all the photographs of our class to show the design process and their amazing final product.

Have a wonderful Easter holiday.

Lots of love

Mr T X

Moss Bank Road, Swinton, Manchester, M27 9XB

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