DT Week - Year 5
Date: 22nd Jul 2021 @ 7:58am
During DT week, the children have been smelling and choosing a range of flavours and spices to add to their cookie mixture. Accurately measuring a range of ingredients (and estimating the required heat from the chilli powder), the children produced cookie mixture to take home.
Thank you so much for the time and effort you have all gone to at home baking the cookies. They look and taste great – the Maya people would have been proud!
The children applied themselves brilliantly and have used mastered practical skills -
- Understand the importance of correct storage and handling of ingredients (using knowledge of micro-organisms).
- Measure accurately and calculate ratios of ingredients to scale up or down from a recipe.
- Demonstrate a range of baking and cooking techniques.
- Create and refine recipes, including ingredients, methods, cooking times and temperatures.
Our classroom needed a much needed tidy!
There are a number of images below.