DT Week

Date: 17th Dec 2020 @ 3:21pm

Hello Year 4,

We have had a wonderful week creating some brilliant DT work and have created a Christmas card that has a moving part.

We first designed what our card would look like based on our target audience.

We practised our measuring and cutting skills and built a protype first to check our mechanism worked. We all did really well with this and it gave us some things to improve upon for our final product.

Today, we have created our final products and wow, they are amazing! We evaluated them and lots of things went well like our mechanisms and our drawings. We thought about ways we could improve ur product if we were to do it again for the things that didn't go too well, like our guides.

I have been very impressed with the perseverance and effort the children have put in to their DT. They have all brought home their final products today and I am sure you will agree that they are fantastic. I have included some pictures for you to look at.


Moss Bank Road, Swinton, Manchester, M27 9XB

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