Friday 15th May
Date: 15th May 2020 @ 8:06am
Good Morning Year 5
I can’t believe it’s Friday.
It was my day in school yesterday and it was great to see some happy, smiling faces.
Thank you for all the work that you have been completing at home; Speaking to parents, I know a lot of it isn’t being uploaded School Spider.
Our Friday celebration shout outs
Alexis for all the work and support she is offering at home
George and Luis for their progress on Mathletics
Larisa and Olivia for their Maths No Problem work
Sianne for gaining the most point on Spellodrome
Blake and Ella for some amazing craft work
Friday’s tasks if your situation allows -
Maths No Problem Worksheet 14 - Adding and Subtracting Decimals
Mathletics sees us start the ‘Fractions’ unit of work. ‘Are you ready?’ and ‘Equivalent Fractions’
Writing There are two pieces of writing work on School Spider that have a deadline of Monday and Tuesday next week.
5 a day
Reading for 15 minutes
Writing There is already a writing task on School Spider and I will add another one tomorrow.
Craft tasks Who can tell the time with their homemade sundial?
Discussion task Post a comment in the discussion folder
Enjoy your day and have a super weekend.
Mr Houston