Friday 3rd April

Date: 3rd Apr 2020 @ 8:01am

Hello cherubs


Today is the last day of home learning school. You will have two weeks off and then it’s back to home learning school :-)


Over the holidays, I would like you to research the artist George Stuart. He created pictures using just dots (just like the aboriginal art you started doing in school).


Then I would like you to create a piece of art work using just dots… you can use felt tip pens to create the dots or cotton buds dipped in paints, it’s up to you. Your artwork could be of anything you wish, some ideas for you include: a butterfly, flower(s), garden, snail, dragon, unicorn etc let your creative spirit free :-)


I’m really looking forward to seeing your masterpieces!


Have a lovely holiday Team 1, make sure you get lots of fresh air and have lots of fun. I’ve created a list of ideas for things you can do to keep you busy.


Fabulous list of things to do

Play in the garden (you’ll get some vitamin D from the sun which is good for your bones)

Play a board game

Help with jobs around the house

Bake cookies, a cake or some bread

Make something, anything …let your creative spirit free

Read, read, read

Paint a picture

Draw or colour

Tidy your bedroom – messy bedroom, messy ….you know how this finishes

Think of something kind to do, then do it

Watch a movie

Give someone an honest compliment (maybe mum/dad has made a delicious meal, so tell them it’s delicious – you’ll make them smile)

Put some music on and have a sing and a dance (I love doing this with the blow-up mic we use in phonics!)

Create a show for the grown-ups in your house to watch


I will speak to you all after the holidays and you can let me know if you managed to complete anything from the fabulous list of things to do.


Take care and stay safe my little cherubs, miss you lots!


Ms H xx


See attached image for joke of the day.



Moss Bank Road, Swinton, Manchester, M27 9XB

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