History in Year 3 - The Stone Age

Date: 20th Oct 2023 @ 3:46pm

As historians, we have been studying the Stone Age.  We have studied the changes through the Palaeolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic Stone Age as well as looking at evidence that tells us about these changes that occurred during this very long time period.

We recently discovered the reasons why Stone Age people moved from cave shelters and hunter-gatherers to starting farming communities with permanent settlements.


The children have shared their learning.

“The Stone Age is split into 3 parts – Palaeolithic (old), Mesolithic (middle) and Neolithic (new) when metal was invented.”

"At Lynford Quarry in Norfolk, mammoth bones, spear heads and scrapers were found along an old stream bed."

“Skara Brae is a Neolithic settlement in the Orkney Island in Scotland.  They have stone passageways that join the 9 houses together.”

“Skara Brae was discovered in 1850 after a big storm blew away the turf and revealed the houses.”

 “Some Neolithic houses were made of wood and used animal poo to fill gaps in the walls so the cold and rain couldn’t get in It was called wattle and daub.”

“We know that the Stone Age people hunted for animals like cave bears and deer because there are paintings in caves.”

“Stone Age people used materials, like turf and animal skin, they found around them to build houses.”

“When the Ice Age was over the ice melted. Rivers came and forests grew which meant there were fish and animals everywhere.”


The children in Year 3 have created some amazing projects at home. Please take a look at them in our photo gallery.

Our Spring History topic will focus on The Bronze Age and Iron Age in Britain.  

We cannot wait to delve into the past once more.  

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