History in Year 3
Date: 14th Oct 2024 @ 2:49pm
What was it like in The Stone Age?
As historians, we have been studying The Stone Age. We have dicsovered the changes through the Palaeolithic (old or ancient stone), Mesolithic (middle stone) and Neolithic (new stone) Ages as well as looking at evidence that tells us about the changes that occurred during this very long time period.
We recently discovered that, when the ice age ended, people moved from cave shelters and hunter-gatherers to starting farming communities with permanent settlements.
Vocabulary Alert: The early Stone Age people were Neanderthals and Homo Sapiens. They were nomadic (moved from place to place) hunter gatherers. They hunted for animals such as mammoth, deer and hare and gathered fruit, vegetables and nuts.
The children thought:
“The Stone Age is split into 3 parts – Palaeolithic (old), Mesolithic (middle) and Neolithic (new) when metal was invented.”
“A nomad wanders around from place to place looking for food.”
“Flint was a special stone because it could be made into sharp blades and pointed weapons.”
“Stone Age people used animal for their meat, bones, antlers and fur for clothing.”
“The climate warmed up and changed from the Ice Age.”
“Doggerland once linked Britain to Europe but it disappeared when the ice started to melt.”
“In the Palaeolithic Stone Age there were two types of humans called Neanderthals and Homo Sapiens.”
“In the Stone Age they made simple tools and weapons from stone, wood and animal bones.”
The children in Year 3 have created some amazing projects at home. Please take a look at them in our photo gallery.
Our next History topic will focus on The Bronze Age and Iron Age in Britain. We cannot wait to delve into the past once more.