Maths No Problem - Adding and Subtracting
Date: 20th Sep 2019 @ 3:46pm
Maths in Year 3
Maths No Problem
Addition and Subtraction
Over the last few weeks, we have been solving problems using our addition skills. To help us understand more clearly, we have used base 10 equipment, pictures and a variety of written methods to solve some very tricky calculations. We used many different strategies such as number lines, column method, bar models and, of course, our ever-growing knowledge of place value and rapid recall of adding 2 single digits.
Year 3 has also created some great journaling and tackled daily challenges which are all displayed on our maths working wall and in their books.
As well as this, the children are tackling add and subtract calculations in their 5-a-day tasks.
Next, Year 3 will be subtracting with two and three digit numbers and solving 2 step problems.
Keep up with the times tables and Rockstars too.