Mental Health Awareness Week

Date: 13th May 2021 @ 4:32pm

Mental Health Awareness Week 


Last week, Wardley took part in Mental Health Awareness Week. The idea was to get the children talking about their mental health and reduce the stigma attached to it, which can stop children asking for help. This year the focus was on nature and developing a healthy connection at a young age, to make it a lifelong behaviour.

There is a huge amount of research which shows that connecting with a natural environment, affects the health of our bodies and minds. The benefits are often related to our sensory experiences and how we connect to the environment around us, such as:

  • the shapes in nature that we see
  • the scents in nature
  • that soft fascination that nature can stimulate, which helps our minds to rest

At Wardley, every class has taken part in a range of nature activities which have been designed to improve health and wellbeing. They all had lots of fun, as you can see from the attached pictures! These activities will also be revisited throughout the year.

Activities have included:


This activity involved finding a special spot outside. It could be lying on the ground looking up at the sky or even simply leaning against a tree. The children then had some quiet time. This activity helps children to stay connected to the present moment.

Tree hugging

The scents trees give off are calming while the act of hugging releases ‘happiness’ hormones. All in all, a great activity!

Bare foot walking

It is believed that bare foot walking enhances health and wellbeing. Walking barefoot on an uneven ground also helps strengthen core muscles and supports balance and development.


The children took part in many more nature focused activities, please ask them about it and I am sure they will tell you, that is if they haven’t already.

Below I have included some outside activities you might like to try at home. 



Plant new flowers, start a herb garden or try growing your own vegetables.

Start small and see how it GROWS!


Get your body moving in nature

Moving your body helps to release endorphins, and they help to make you feel good.


Eat meals outdoors

Grab a blanket and your favourite food, and have a picnic in your local park, or simply sit in a garden.

Just like getting your body moving, eating well can help you to feel good too.


Get creative

Draw or paint animals or nature scenes, or let them inspire a poem or song lyrics. If you enjoy

writing in a journal, try doing this outside.


Practice mindfulness in nature

When you are outside, take a moment to focus on one sense at a time. What can

you smell? What can you hear? What can you see? What can you feel?


Moss Bank Road, Swinton, Manchester, M27 9XB

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[email protected]

Mr M Foster | Head Teacher

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