Modern Foreign Languages in Year 3 - Fabulous French

Date: 4th Feb 2025 @ 8:03am

In our French lessons, we have been learning simple greetings; ways to say hello such as Bonjour and Salut!

Also, ways to say goodbye such as Bonsoir, Coucou and À Bientôt!

We have also practised formal terms such as monsieur, madame and mademoiselle.

I can speak to the children in French and they are brilliant at following my instructions.  They can:

Write – écrivez

Listen – écoutez

Read – lisez

Look – regardez

Repeat – répétez

The children have also practiced their numbers, colours and classroom nouns.  I wonder what numbers and colours they can remember.  Why not revise them at home together?

At the moment we are learning simple introductions and questions and responding to them.

See if the children can translate this conversation for you.

“Comment t’appelles-tu?”

“Je m’appelle Jeff.”

“Quel âge as-tu?”

“J’ai huit ans.”

The children do love their French lessons and are taking to this new language ‘comme un canard à l’eau’ – did you see what I did there?

I cannot wait for the children to talk about their feelings, which is what we are going to lean next.

Très bien, les enfants!

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