Monday 20th April
Date: 20th Apr 2020 @ 9:28am
Welcome back Team 1
I hope you are all fit and healthy and have all enjoyed some delicious Easter eggs from the Easter bunny. I also hope you have been enjoying the glorious sunshine we have been having by playing outside in the garden or going on walks. I don’t have a garden, so I have been going on long mindful walks. That just means I’ve really been paying attention to my surroundings by using my five senses: seeing, hearing, feeling, tasting and smelling.
Here is a poem about my walk.
5 Senses
I went for a walk on a warm spring day
I saw colourful leaves twirling in the wind like dancing ballerinas
I heard noisy birds singing beautifully in colourful brushes
I felt warm rays of golden sunshine against my cameral skin
I tasted a juicy apple which I munched on for a snack
I smelt the faint fragrance of rose petals in the warm breeze.
Can you write a poem about your 5 senses? It might be while you’re sat in the garden, your bedroom or while you’re on a walk too. I look forward to seeing these.
Home Learning
Everyday, I will set a creative task for you to complete and a few Mathletics tasks.
Every Monday, I will give you your new spellings on Spellodrome. I will also set a weekly discussion about a topic in the discussion section. Throughout the week we can all communicate to each other about this topic in this section.
Every Tuesday and Thursday, I will set a homework task in the homework section.
Joke of the Day
What did the science book say to the maths book?
Wow, you've got problems!