Monday 30th March
Date: 30th Mar 2020 @ 10:01am
Good morning Year 4!
I hope you all had a good weekend. I’ve been listening to some podcasts and reading ‘The Princess Bride’ which was one of my favourite films as a child. Try and get outside in your gardens for some fresh air if you can (weather depending!). I’ve been doing PE with Joe every morning and I’m going to try and keep that up this week. Try and do it with me and let’s keep ourselves fit!
So, what would I like you to be getting on with today?
I have assigned two Mathletics activities all to do with rounding. Remember to use number lines if you need to and that 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 round down and 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 round up. I would also like you to keep practising your times tables and use Timestables Rockstars. Can you focus on your 4s and 8s today?
I have also given you some new spellings to be learning this week. Can you spot the spelling patterns and use this to help you learn them? Don’t forget to look up the meanings of the words and try and use them in context. Another thing I thought would be interesting to do is to try and learn a new word’s definition, spelling and use it in context so we have an amazing bank of vocabulary when we come back to school. Using a dictionary (if you have one) or the internet can you find a word beginning with ‘A’.
My word was ‘aplomb’ (with a silent b). It means to do something difficult with self-confidence. My sentence is, ‘David passed the test with aplomb.’ You could record these in the back of your workbook.
I would also like you to do some writing every day so I thought this week we could write a narrative about The Iron Boy or The Iron Girl defeating an evil creature that has invaded Earth. Today I want you to describe how your creature got to Earth and what it looks like. Did it arrive by meteorite? A spaceship? A shooting star? What does it look like? Does it have horns? Wings? Sharp claws? Focus on getting in lots of description using similes (describing something as being like something else) and alliteration (a group of words that all start with the same sound). If you have already done this in school, I would like you to put your editing hats on. Are they the best words you can use? Are they effective? You could all have a go at drawing your creature too. I’ll look forward to looking at them!
I am also going to set you something creative to do across the week. I want us to create some brilliant, colourful pop art! Today I would like you to research the artist Andy Warhol. Look at his art, what he uses to create it and what inspires him. Make some notes in your book. You could write it, use colour, draw or cut and stick- it is up to you. Here is a website to get you started:
Don’t forget to do a little bit of reading too!
Have a wonderful day, look after each other and stay safe!
Miss Hay 😊