Music in Year 3
Date: 28th Jan 2022 @ 3:45pm
The children in Year 3 have really been enjoying their music.
So far, we have practised using our body parts to create a pulse (beat) and a rhythm of a tune.
Then, we wrote our own rhythms using musical notes such as crotchets and quavers. We practised these rhythms on non-tuned instruments like bells, drums and tambourines.
Today, we have played tuned instruments called glockenspiels and xylophones.
A glockenspiel is a tuned instrument with metal bars. It is a German word that means ‘play the bells’.
A xylophone is a tuned instrument with wooden bars. It is a Greek word that means ‘wooden sound’.
The children wrote their own repeating tunes using the notes C, D and E and composed a short melody using those notes.
The photographs below don’t even begin to describe the wonderful noise that filled the classroom this afternoon.
Next, we will learn the other 5 notes; A, B, F and G to create our own melodies.
Vocabulary Choices
Forte – Loud music
Piano – Quiet music
Pulse – the steady beat in music
Rhythm – the pattern of the music
Crotchet – a note that is one beat long
Quaver - a note that is half a beat long