Magical Music in Year 3
Date: 4th Feb 2025 @ 7:26am
The children in Year 3 have really been enjoying their music lessons.
So far, we studied singing in a round to songs such as Frere Jacques, which supported our Modern Foreign Languages, and London’s Burning.
The children have sung the melody (tune) in unison (together).
The children also sang songs with the same structure (how a piece of music is put together) about rocks which helped them recall some of our science facts and vocabulary too.
They have move to using our body parts to create a pulse (beat) and a rhythm (a pattern of notes) of a tune.
Then, we wrote our own rhythms using musical notes such as crotchets (one beat) and quavers (½ a beat) in 2/4, 3/4 and 4/4 signature.
This week, we have played untuned percussion instruments to support our chants, rhythm and pulse.
Next, we will include rests as part of our beautiful, noisy, musical compositions.