My Book Blog in Year 3

Date: 27th Sep 2023 @ 2:57pm

Reading in Year 3 – My Book Blog

Dear Parents and carers,

Next week, the children will be exploring My Book Blog.  This is an online reading scheme, already used by Y4 - 6, which gives the children access to a number of fantastic activities that compliment their reading book.  There are plenty of tasks to complete such as vocabulary, comprehension, blogs, reviews and some wonderful facts and jokes to enjoy.  All these fantastic activities immerse the children in reading before moving onto a new book or the next chapter. All the activities relate to the book that they are reading and it can be used at home and in school.

In school, the children will be given time to read their book and update their own My Book Blog.  They will be also be expected to complete reading and Book Blog tasks at home too.

At home, there are a few things I would like you to do during the next week.

Firstly, log on to My Book Blog by accessing it via the school website and following these simple instructions.

  1. Select ‘search’ icon at the top of the page (magnifying glass).
  2. Enter ‘book blog’ into the text box.
  3. Scroll and click on ‘My Book Blog’
  4. Click on the underlined hyperlink ‘here’ at the bottom of the information.
  5. Select ‘Mr Tinkler Class’ and ‘Child’s Name’
  6. Input your individual password e.g. Pink Shark 7 (your child has their password)

Next week, please help your child with their reading and have a go at some of the activities mentioned above.  The children already have one book on their shelf.  Do not read The Hodgeheg as this is a class reader.  Children should aim to access My Book Blog at least 3 times per week from home.  This initial support will help them use the site more independently in the near future.

When in school, I will be able to see what tasks the children have completed at home, and we can discuss and address any issues that you may come across when we are in the classroom.  I am hoping to be fully up and running for next half term so this is plenty of time to get used to the new system.

Thank you so much for your support and patience with this new adventure.

Yours sincerely

Mr Tinkler

Moss Bank Road, Swinton, Manchester, M27 9XB

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