Nursery 12.5.2020
Date: 12th May 2020 @ 9:17am
Good morning :-)
I hope you're all okay!
As it's Tuesday, I will be giving you all a new phonics challenge.
This week's sound is 'x'
Try and make yourself into a great big 'x' shape by holding your arms out in the air and stretching your legs out wide. Ask someone in your family to do the same whilst you draw the sound over them. Don't forget the rhyme:
Down the arm and leg and repeat the other side.
I have attached a practice sheet for the 'x' sound onto the homework section. Have a go at it and see how you get on.
Parents please note, when teaching children to make this sound, we encourage them to use the pure sound only as this helps when it comes to blending sounds into words. For 'x', we would pronounce it 'cs' not 'ecs' if that makes sense? There is a pronunciation guide on the following website if you wanted to have a listen before teaching the sound.
Have a lovely day boys and girls,
Miss Hargreaves x