Nursery 13.5.2020

Date: 13th May 2020 @ 8:04am

Good morning :-)

Happy Wednesday!


I hope that you've all been enjoying our story, Supertato? It’s been great seeing some of your homemade vegetable superheroes, and of course your Evil Peas! I was thinking about our story last night when I was deciding which vegetables I could have with my tea. In the end, I went for carrots, broccoli and green beans. I wonder if you can look out for the different vegetables that you have in your meals today?

For today’s challenge, I want you to raid the fridge to find some of these vegetables as we are going to be comparing their sizes.

Using the important words:

- taller

- shorter

- tallest

- shortest

Stand two of your vegetables up side by side and work out which of them is taller and which of them is shorter. When you really understand the words ‘tall’ and ‘short’, have a go at using more than 2 vegetables. Can you line them up from the tallest to the shortest?

Which was your tallest vegetable?

Which was your shortest vegetable? (I bet it was Evil Pea!)

Remember to give them all back to Mummy or Daddy when you have finished so that you can eat them for tea.


Have a lovely day Nursery,

Miss Hargreaves xx

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