Nursery 19.5.2020
Date: 19th May 2020 @ 8:21am
Good morning!
I hope that you all enjoyed ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ yesterday! I wonder if any of you went on a bug hunt and found some creepy crawlies?
It’s time for your next focus sound, ‘qu’.
As this is the first sound we have done being made up of 2 letters, the following video might be useful for parents to watch first. It shows how to teach ‘2 letters, 1 sound’ as well as useful tips to help your child remember them.
For your homework sheet this week, I have uploaded the Read Write Inc ‘qu’ sheet to make sure that the ‘q’ looks the way we want it to and to encourage correct letter formation.
Have a lovely day,
Miss Hargreaves x