Nursery 29.4.2020
Date: 29th Apr 2020 @ 8:44am
Good morning Nursery children :-)
I hope you all had a good day yesterday - even if it was a bit rainy!
I went on a (very soggy) walk with Cooper and he clearly felt the need to roll about in every muddle puddle that he could find! Then when we got home and after I had dried him off (and cleaned him up), I did some baking. This time I made some delicious Rocky Road - all you need is melted chocolate, butter, marshmallows and biscuits! They're an extra special treat and extra-tasty!
This morning, I was thinking about how to decorate my pants for the story. I decided that I wanted to cover them in patterns but I couldn't decide which pattern to do! So I thought that I would make it today's challenge for you guys to see if you can help me pick a pattern for my design.
I'm going to ask you to make up some repeating patterns that I might decide to use. It might be a repeating pattern using colours (so red, yellow, red, yellow), it might be one using shapes (circle, triangle, circle, triangle) or even one using special objects from around your house (button, sock, button, sock).
Mum & Dad - I've attached a grid onto this blog if you wanted to use it as sometimes it helps children to see that they have to fill in the next gap with the next piece of the pattern, or you could simple place objects in a line. Start with a repeating pattern using 2, and then if they find this really easy, try 3.
If you wanted to share your patterns, I don't think we can post comments onto blogs and more so just pop it in the discussion instead.
Have fun :-)
Miss Hargreaves x
PS: I am in school tomorrow and so won't be posting a blog. Instead, I will speak to you all on Friday!