Nursery blog, 1.4.2020
Date: 1st Apr 2020 @ 7:46am
Happy April Fool's Day Nursery!
How are you all today? Is anybody planning any funny April Fool's Day tricks today? I played a trick this morning on Cooper the dog by throwing a pretend spider at him...but then he ate the spider so my trick didn't work very well at all!
Today, I wondered if any of you fancied getting energetic and joining in with Joe Wicks' PE lesson online at 9 o'clock. I have been doing it every morning and it's been a great way to wake me up and burn off some energy! If you want to join in, find 'PE with Joe' on YouTube and make sure that you're ready for 9am.
Finally, I uploaded something onto the school spider yesterday. There's a phonics activity and a class discussion where we can all say hello to each other. Simply log in to have a look at both.
Have a lovely day =)
Miss Hargreaves