Reception 02.04.20
Date: 2nd Apr 2020 @ 9:32am
Happy Thursday,
I hope you are all keeping fit and healthy at home. I have been trying to do the morning exercise with Joe Wicks, it really does get your heart going in the morning.
Yesterday, I made some vegetable soup with; carrots, onions, tomatoes, peppers and chilli. It really was delicious.
Today, I would like you to create a poster of healthy and unhealthy foods. We did lots of discussion around this before school finished, so I know you will all have fabulous ideas. I have put a template on our new homework section so feel free to download and complete it on that or you can always think outside the box and create something different.
Practise your number bonds to 10 with your number line. Most of you can already tell me two numbers that make ten but today I want you to come up with as many ways as you can find.
I have also updated the Mathletics with tasks to complete. I have done a range just so you are all experiencing some different mathematical challenges.
Keep safe,
Mrs Flanagan