Reception 03.04.20
Date: 3rd Apr 2020 @ 9:20am
Happy Friday,
We have done another week everybody, yay! I am missing you and all those happy faces I see everyday.
Today, I would like you to cast your minds back to when we did all about people who help us. I want you to create a picture of all the jobs each family member does. Somewhere in the picture I want you to think of a job you would like to do (when you are older), it could be more than one because I know many of you had many different ideas.
I have uploaded some tasks for you to complete on School Spider over Easter.
I won’t be posting now until after Easter, keep safe everyone and I hope the Easter Bunny brings you all lots of chocolate.
Mrs Flanagan
I have attached a picture of Freddie doing some home learning, it has only taken me two weeks to get him to sit down! haha.