Reception 20.04.20

Date: 20th Apr 2020 @ 10:41am

Welcome back =)

Hope you all had a lovely Easter and devoured lots of chocolate like I did! Freddie and Dave don’t really like chocolate so I am in my element with it all. I even melted some the other day and put it on pancakes…delicious!! 

I will aim to keep the phonics similar each week, so that you and your children get into a routine that is familiar for everyone.  
Practise the phonemes on the sound mat daily.
Each day of the week, I will also give you a sound to review. Please write any words in home learning book:

o    Monday 20th:  Focus on the ‘ai’ sound.  Ask children to read: rain, plain, mail, faint.  See if children can write the following words with the ai sound: tail, train, pain, snail.  
o    Tuesday 21st: Focus on the ‘ee’ sound.  Ask children to read: feed, tree, seed, sheep.  See if children can write the following words with the ee sound: seem, feel, queen, keep. 

o    Wednesday 22nd April: Focus on the ‘igh’ sound.  Ask children to read: sigh, night, right, tight.  
o    Thursday 23rd: Focus on the ‘oa’ sound.  Ask children to read: goat, float, toast, road.  Can children write the following words? Coat, roast, load, toad.  Play the following game by clicking on the link:  Feed Bob real ‘oa’ words and feed Obb fake ‘oa’ words.
o    Friday 24th: Focus on the long ‘oo’ sound.  Ask children to read: moon, spoon, boot, food.  Can children write the following words? Room, roof, pool, broom.  

Don’t forget:

Oxford Owl ( also provide free ebooks online from various stages of Oxford Reading Tree.  Children are either on Stage 1, 2 or 3.  You will need to join/register but it is free to join and this way, you can access further reading books for your child online and there are usually activities to complete after reading the book too. How to access the eBooks:

On the Oxford Owl homepage, click on Oxford Owl for Home.  Click on Free eBook Library, then eBooks for age 4-5.  When the selection of books appears, you can filter your results by clicking on the Levels drop down menu, choosing Book Band and then either Red or Yellow, with Yellow being the harder level. 

I have uploaded a task for you to complete. I will mix these up a little with an investigation here and there and a few written tasks and also some speech and language resources. 

Please complete the new challenges I have set on Mathletics. Use the number line you have created to help you. 

Have fun!

Mrs Flanagan   

Moss Bank Road, Swinton, Manchester, M27 9XB

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[email protected]

Mr M Foster | Head Teacher

Mrs K Walker | Deputy Head Teacher

Mrs K Flanagan | SENCO

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