Reception 27.04.20
Date: 27th Apr 2020 @ 7:22am
Happy Monday =)
I hope you all had a fantastic weekend! I had a little two person BBQ with some tasty food. You will be proud of me Reception because I made sure I had lots of salad on my plate. I even made a fruit salad for dessert, here is the link to the recipe if you fancy trying it out:
I will aim to keep the phonics similar each week, so that you and your children get into a routine that is familiar for everyone.
Practise the phonemes on the sound mat daily.
Each day of the week, I will also give you a sound to practise. Please write any words in home learning book:
o Monday 27th: Focus on the ‘oo’ sound. Ask children to read: look, book, took, shook. See if children can write the following words with the oo sound: cook, hook, shook.
o Tuesday 28th: Focus on the ‘ar’ sound. Ask children to read: start, part, cart, tart. See if children can write the following words with the ar sound: car, hard, start, scar.
o Wednesday 29th: Focus on the ‘or’ sound. Ask children to read: door, floor, worn, torn.
o Thursday 30th: Focus on the ‘air’ sound. Ask children to read: air, fair, pair. Can children write the following words? Chair, hair, stair, lair.
o Friday 1st: Focus on the long ‘ir’ sound. Ask children to read: whirl, twirl, third. Can children write the following words? Skirt, girl, firm, shirt.
Creative task
This week, I would like you to create some props to use in a role-play situation. For example using the cardboard from a kitchen roll to make rollers for a hair dresser. This task is open ended and you can do whatever you want.
Please uploaded any pictures you have to our discussions section on school spider so I can comment.
Maths & English
Using the clocks you created last week I want you to make an o’clock diary. I have linked this with English because I want to see you using your phonics.
I had a go at logging some of Freddie’s o’clock times… at 7.00 o’clock in the morning Freddie wakes up shouting ‘milk, milk’ and at 11.00 o’clock in the morning Freddie has usually fallen asleep somewhere!
As always I know that your diaries will be very creative. Have fun and think outside the box boys and girls.
Each task I upload in future will have a due date of one week. You can upload your work and comment on the particular homework page up until its due date. After the due date, however, I won't go back to this work, but will concentrate on the new work that has been set. So if you upload work or comment after the due date I won't see it.
Mrs Flanagan =)