Reception 30.03.20

Date: 30th Mar 2020 @ 10:05am

Mrs Flanagan

Happy Monday,

I hope you all had a lovely weekend and were able to get some fresh air. From now on I will be setting; daily phonics tasks, daily maths tasks and weekly English and creative tasks.

Have a go at these, take your time and remember to have fun!


Phonics: Practise the Simple Speed Sounds chart given to you in your packs. Whilst most children will be familiar with most of these sounds, children are in different groups and at different stages, so if your child doesn’t easily recognise a particular sound, please tell them what the sound is until this becomes more familiar.  Daily practice of these sounds should ensure that they become familiar within time.  Children have also learnt actions to go with these sounds so please encourage them to use the actions and teach them to you too!

 Each day of the week, I will also give you a sound to practise.

Monday 30th:  Focus on the ‘qu’ sound.  Ask children to read: quick, quack, quest, quit.  An extra challenge is to write a word or two with the ‘qu’ sound. 

Tuesday 31st: Focus on the ‘ch’ sound.  Ask children to read: rich, chips, chop, chick.  An extra challenge is to write a word or two with the ‘ch’ sound. 

Wednesday 1st: Focus on the ‘sh’ sound.  Ask children to read: shop, shut, rush, fish.  An extra challenge is to write a word or two with the ‘sh’ sound. 

Thursday 2nd: Focus on the ‘th’ sound.  Ask children to read: this, that, bath, thin.  An extra challenge is to write a word or two with the ‘th’ sound. 

Friday 3rd: Focus on the ‘ng’ sound.  Ask children to read: ring, long, sting, hang.  An extra challenge is to write a word or two with the ‘ng’ sound. 

 Oxford Owl ( also provide free ebooks online from various stages of Oxford Reading Tree.  Children are either on Stage 1, 2 or 3.  You will need to join/register but it is free to join and this way, you can access further reading books for your child online and there are usually activities to complete after reading the book too. How to access the eBooks:

On the Oxford Owl homepage, click on Oxford Owl for Home.  Click on Free eBook Library, then eBooks for age 4-5.  When the selection of books appears, you can filter your results by clicking on the Levels drop down menu, choosing Book Band and then either Red or Yellow, with Yellow being the harder level. 


This week, I would like you to start a nature diary. Look out of the window each day and keep note of what you see. Birds, flowers, changes in the weather, what else? Children could write a sentence each day, encouraging capital letters, finger spaces and a full stop at the end of each sentence.  We also encourage children to hear the sounds and try to spell as much as they can independently. 

Children can add extra detail if they like.  You may need to provide some words for your child to copy.  However, if they are able, and most children should be able to, try and encourage them to write words themselves but with some support from an adult at home.


Today, I would like each child to produce their own Numicon number line to 20. To find out what colour the shapes are type Numicon number line into google. We are going to use the number lines to complete some maths tasks this week.


This weeks creative task is to produce a picture using things from your garden or things that you have found on a walk with your family. Take a picture of your creation and hopefully in the next week or so there will be a platform on our school website for you to upload them for me to see.

Have fun and think outside the box!

Missing you all very much =)

Mrs Flanagan 

Moss Bank Road, Swinton, Manchester, M27 9XB

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Mr M Foster | Head Teacher

Mrs K Walker | Deputy Head Teacher

Mrs K Flanagan | SENCO

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