Date: 31st Oct 2019 @ 2:36pm

Reception now know all their Set 1 sounds, well done!

The children are now on the next stages of their reading journey. Please ensure that you are reading every night with your child and are signing the diary each time.

We will be inviting parents to stay and read sessions in the New Year.

Thank you for your continued support. 

Mrs Flanagan

Moss Bank Road, Swinton, Manchester, M27 9XB

We are proud of our school and the personal and academic achievements of our pupils. We hope that you can get a sense of our energy, ambition and ethos from this website. If you are interested in finding out more, do get in touch. Our children and staff would love to show you around.

0161 921 1098

Mrs Statham | School Business Manager

Miss Briffa | School Administrator

[email protected]

Mr M Foster | Head Teacher

Mrs K Walker | Deputy Head Teacher

Mrs K Flanagan | SENCO

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