Thursday 21st May
Date: 21st May 2020 @ 10:20am
Hello Year 5
What a glorious day it was yesterday. Who had a bbq? Who messed around in a paddling pool? Who had a water balloon fight? The weather has been kind to us so far in lockdown.
If your situation allows, please have a look at the following pieces of work.
Complete the 5 a day – This is attached to Monday’s blog.
Maths No Problem: Chapter 8: Percentage - Lesson 3: Finding Percentages.
Mathletics Continuing with the Fractions unit of work: ‘What Mixed Number Is Shaded?’ and ‘Mixed to Improper’.
Class discussion: I have responded to those who have added their thoughts on this week’s class discussion.
Spellodrome: The word list has been changed to include more Year 5 National Curriculum words.
The craft task is on School Spider. The deadline for this is tomorrow.
I will be adding another writing task to our School Spider shortly. There will then be two pieces of writing homework with a deadline of Tuesday 26th May.
Have fun today, stay safe and look after each other.
Mr Houston