Thursday 23rd April
Date: 22nd Apr 2020 @ 10:28pm
Year 5
I am so pleased to see that we have had 19 children on Mathletics this week. You were all working so hard in class, and completing work will keep your brain active.
Big shout out to Layla, Olivia, Kian, Sianne, Harrison, Riley, Bella, Amelia, Larisa, Blake and Sophie. You are doing some great work on Spellodrome. Who is going to have the greatest points total at the end of the week?
There is another writing task in the homework section to accompany the one I publish on Tuesday. The deadline for both pieces of writing is Monday 27th April.
Class discussion - Mrs Walker has commented on the children, who have participated in the class discussion on School Spider. You are writing some really valid and important points about animals.
Keep up the superb work.
Enjoy the weather. It may not last until the weekend.
Mr Houston