Thursday 23rd April
Date: 23rd Apr 2020 @ 9:53am
Good morning Year 4.
Hope you all had a great day yesterday. I'm going to do a bit of drawing and reading today. I have really enjoyed reading about what you have been getting up to on the discussion page. You are all keeping yourselves very busy!
I have given you two more Mathletic tasks to be getting on with today. Please make sure you do these. A special shout out to Max, Emilia, Jay, Archie, Tiam and Annie who scored 100% on both the tasks set yesterday. Well done!! Remember you can have more than one go on these tasks.
I have set another writing task for you to do today about poetry, This is on the homework page dated for today. You can also continue with your bug hotel designs. Any creative tasks you can do can be posted on the homework thread dated for this week. I look forward to looking at these.
Work hard, take lots of breaks and try and get some fresh air and have lots of fun!
Miss Hay