Thursday 7th May

Date: 7th May 2020 @ 10:24am

Good morning Year 4.

I tried some new exercises yesterday so I am very sore this morning. I also spent a lot of time on the skipping rope, I'm still tired! I am going to order some new books to read today as I have read every book in my house now and some of them twice! Make sure you are doing a little bit of reading every day, it is good for your brain!

Mathletics- I have set you two new activities to be getting on with today.

Maths No Problem!- It is Money Lesson 9 today.

Times Tables Rockstars- I hope you are getting on with these ok and improving on our 12s. They are quite tricky!

Writing- I have given you another writing task for you to complete. The picture to help you will be linked to this blog. I really look forward to reading these.

Spellodrome- you still have some time to be practising these spellings- keep it up :)

Creative- the creative project is on School Spider for you to post when you have completed this. I'm going to have a go to and will post mine on there.

Shout outs!

Mathletics- Annie, Erin, Shea, Brooke, Max, Emilia, Hannah, Ava S, Jay, Naomi, Mia and Lucas. Superb work this week! Well done!!

Times Tables Rockstars- well done to Naomi, Emilia and Grace who have improved their scores. Fantastic!

Spellodrome- well done to Ava S who had an incredible 7300 points! Well done also to Naomi, Jay, Charlie, Olivia, Max and Shea.

Writing- I have been super impressed with Brooke's writing. You have made lots of progress with your sentence types and used great vocabulary, good girl!

It is a Bank Holiday weekend so I will not be posting tomorrow. Have a fabulous weekend. Keep safe and have fun.

Miss Hay :)



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