Wednesday 13th May

Date: 13th May 2020 @ 8:44am

Happy Wednesday Team 1


I hope you are all keeping fit and healthy and mixing lots of fun with schoolwork. Please see Monday’s blog for a reminder of this week’s activities.


I’d just like to say a big thank you to everybody who has joined in on our weekly discussion. I heart hearing about what you have been up to. If you haven’t already sent a message, please remember, it doesn’t have to be about the discussion topic. It can be about anything you like  smiley


Joke of the Day

What do you call a fairy who hasn’t taken a bath?

A stinkerbell!


If you'd like to know a fun fact, please see the attached image.


Love Ms Hoque xx

Moss Bank Road, Swinton, Manchester, M27 9XB

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0161 921 1098

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[email protected]

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