Wednesday 22nd and Thursday 23rd April
Date: 22nd Apr 2020 @ 9:08am
Good morning Team 1
I hope you are all well. I slept much better last night as I had no surprises from my cat!
I will be in school tomorrow as I need to look after the key worker children. Therefore, tomorrow I will not be posting a blog or able to respond to any of you. However, I’ll be back on Friday, so I will check and respond to everything then.
In the meantime, I have set you lots of Mathletics tasks, a two day creative task and I have attached Thursday’s homework for you to be getting on with :-)
Today’s Shout Outs
An enormous well done to Annabel, Sienna and Dakota who have been on Spellodrome working hard!
Well done to Danielle, Harry Thorpe, Annabel (again) and Penny who have been doing lots and lots of extra Mathletics tasks.
Thank you to everybody who has been doing the tasks and keeping their brains active. If the tasks are not completed by the end date (which is Sunday) I will mark the tasks as not attempted.
Creative task – set over two days.
The Four Seasons
This song with images is a fun way to recap the different seasons and how people prepare for the expected weather conditions.
Please answer these questions orally:
What type of clothes do people wear in spring? Why?
What type of clothes do people wear in summer? Why?
What type of clothes do people wear in autumn? Why?
What type of clothes do people wear in winter? Why?
Look at the attached images and think about the weather you would like.
A note to parents and carers: It is worth noting that children often think that it is winter because it is cold and snowy, or that it is summer because it is hot. It is in fact cold because it is winter. This often confuses children especially as the UK weather can also be 'unusual' for the time of year!
Please complete this task in your workbook.
- Spilt your page in four sections
- Write a season in section (spring, summer, autumn, winter)
- Draw a tree in each section and what it would look like in that particular season
- Next, draw yourself in each section and the appropriate (suitable) clothes you would wear for that season
- Colour or paint you picture
On the lines, write a few sentences for each season explaining the clothes you are wearing and why.
Next, please watch the following link about the months of the year.
Please answer these questions in your book.
How many months are there in a year?
How many months does each season last for?
I wonder if you can remember:
What months are winter?
What months are spring?
What months are summer?
What months are autumn?
If you have time, create a poster with the months of the year on.
If possible, please upload your beautiful work in the Creative Task Week 4 section.
See attached images for Wednesday's and Thursday's Jokes of the Day.
Love Ms H XX