Welcome to Year 3

Date: 16th Jul 2020 @ 4:52pm

Hello Year 2,

It’s Mr Tinkler here.  I will be your teacher for when you return to school as juniors in Year 3.

I hope that you are as excited about returning to school as I am.  I promise I will be trying as hard as I can to ensure you work to the very best of your ability each day, and in everything you are presented with.  I also guarantee that you will have an exciting, fun-filled year. 

Over the summer, I will be selecting exciting activities to keep you intrigued, enthused and focussed on your learning. We have lots of fun topics in Year 3 that I know you will love learning about; nearly as much as I love teaching them. We will journey back thousands of years in History to learn about The Stone Age too. In English, we are reading Stone Age Boy, which ties in nicely with our History topic, and will help us develop into amazing readers and writers.  The rest of the curriculum will be just as fantastic.

During the week, I will provide you with a good daily routine, so you know exactly what we are doing each day. At the end of the week, the class star will get to look after Brian Sockdog, our class mascot. Unfortunately, Brian can’t go home with us, as he did in the past, but you will get to look after him in class during the following week.  I also set brain-teasing riddles, tell terrible jokes, and share lots of funny stories. We have so much to look forward to.

Year 3 will continue to be taught in the same classroom.  You can enter each morning via the top playground and through the exterior door that leads directly into the corridor (photos 1 - 3). Put your coats away in the cloakroom (see photo 4), put your lunch box on the blue trolley (photo 5) and sanitize your hands using the dispenser on the wall.  Then, bring your reading packs into the classroom (photos 6 - 10) and find your seat. Your personalised pencil case will be on the desk. Your 5-a-day will be waiting for you with clues on the whiteboard. There are some photos to help you see what these things look like.

Don’t forget, you will now be bringing in a healthy snack from home to munch during playtime.

Most importantly, do NOT worry about a thing.  I will be there to make sure your first day is a good one. And, of course, every other day too. I know that most of you will be excited and ready to return to school.  That is how I feel.  However, I am also a little nervous too because it is a new start and some things will be different.  Some of you will have these feelings too. Please do not worry. I will be there to help you settle in and make sure you are as happy as can be.

I cannot wait to meet you all properly.

I hope you all have a lovely summer and I look forward to seeing you all in September.

Love from Mr Tinkler X

Moss Bank Road, Swinton, Manchester, M27 9XB

We are proud of our school and the personal and academic achievements of our pupils. We hope that you can get a sense of our energy, ambition and ethos from this website. If you are interested in finding out more, do get in touch. Our children and staff would love to show you around.

0161 921 1098

Mrs Statham | School Business Manager

Miss Briffa | School Administrator

[email protected]

Mr M Foster | Head Teacher

Mrs K Walker | Deputy Head Teacher

Mrs K Flanagan | SENCO

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