Y6 18th May 2020

Date: 17th May 2020 @ 9:14pm

Monday 18th May 2020

Good morning Year 6. I hope that you all had a nice weekend. The weather was kind to us again so I hope that you’ve managed to get out and about. We have spent most of the weekend in the woods…climbing trees and taking long walks (all socially distancing of course).

So what would I like you to do today? The usual really….and in your own time x

  1. Mathletics & Spellodrome tasks – we had a good turn out last week so let’s keep that up.


The spellings for this week are as follows: cemetery, cement, harass, harassment, guarantee, guardian, queue, rhyme, amateur, conscience, conscientious, awkward, curiosity, curious and immediate.


A reminder that the next three Mathletics tasks have been set and are due to be completed by Tuesday 19th 12:30pm

  1. Writing Task – Homework Folder – descriptive paragraph.
  2. Writing Task – Homework Folder – Florence Nightingale – thank you to all of you who have already completed this but if you haven’t, please get it done at some point.
  3. Craft Task – Homework Folder – a new task for this week has been set.
  4. 5 A day – Homework Folder – this week’s calculations have been uploaded.
  5. Discussion – Discussion Folder – a new discussion for this week has been set.
  6. BBC Bitesize – have a good look at their GPS and maths games and quizzes to revise many of the areas that we’ve already covered this year.
  7. Read for pleasure :)

I’m not going to be online until later on tomorrow as I have a busy day but Mr Foster has said that he’ll look in on your comments. I’ll catch up with you all later on in the afternoon.

Have a lovely Monday and remember, work at your own pace and get plenty of fresh air while the weather is still so nice.

Mrs Walker & Mr Foster xx

Moss Bank Road, Swinton, Manchester, M27 9XB

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0161 921 1098

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Mrs K Walker | Deputy Head Teacher

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