Y6 1st April 2020

Date: 1st Apr 2020 @ 10:51am

Wednesday 1st April 2020

Hello Y6 - I hope that you haven't been playing April Fools tricks on people at home! I was going to trick Tom and George this morning but then decided that I couldn't be bothered with all of the explaining that I would have to do; it just wouldn't be worth it!

Mathletics - big shout out to Connor, Eliott, Matthew, Imogen, Max, Alfie, Rhia, Erin, Jacob, Laila, Lillie and Jessica who have completed most or all of the tasks set so far. I can see that some others have completed last week's tasks but not this weeks. Remember that tasks are set daily so you need to keep up with them please. 

Also, thank you to you those of you who have been commenting on the homework and discussion pages. Let's hope that more of you are able to get on there...write a quick message so that I know you have read the task. You have until tomorrow to upload your first writing task as I will be setting a new one tomorrow.

So today...get on with the writing task please, complete your 5 A Day, complete the Mathletics and spelladrome activities and do some reading please. 

George wants me to tell you his joke:

knock knock

who's there



It's actually kangaroo!



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