Y6 24th April 2020

Date: 24th Apr 2020 @ 9:42am

Friday 24th April 2020

It's Friyeah! The end of week 5 in lockdown. I hope that it hasn't dragged too much for you. I think that all this lovely weather is really helping us to get through it.

I have started to make some phone calls to you and your parents. It has been lovely to have a chat with you and to see how you're all getting on. As the next couple of weeks get by, I will get round to calling you all...:)

Today's tasks:

1. Complete the week's 5 A Day (in the Homework folder)

2. Mathletics & Spellodrome activities 

3. Finsh and upload your Easter projects (in the Homework folder)

4.  Finish and upload your Geography writing (in the Homework folder)

5. Get on with the art task (in the Homework folder)

6. Comment in the discussion folder

7. Read for 30 minutes

Remember that you can upload any pieces of work in to the current homework or dicussion folders for me to see.

Spellodrome scores so far are as follows: * Angus still on 1060, Erin up 500 to 1500, Connor still on 200, Imogen has moved up 670 points to 1000, Max on 2000, James is still on 450, Lillie has added another 150 and is now on 650, Lexie has done a small addition but is now on an impressive 2000, Daniel is still stuck 150, Thomas has moved up 200 to 370 – I assume you are now getting credit for the work Thomas? Aiden is still way ahead having a
dded 625 points yesterday and he is now on 6285!!!
Apparently, Daniel and Thomas have not been getting points for their sessions. Is anyone else having this problem as I can’t anything wrong on their accounts?
With Mathletics we welcome Ceyda and Elliot back – thank you for completing the tasks yesterday. Also well done to Laila for completing one of her tasks.
 The next three tasks need to be completed by Monday 27th April at 12:30pm please
Aiden you are a superstar but I am assigning you any task that you didn’t get 100% on J
Well done everyone. Keep up the great work.
Have a good Friday and an even better weekend.
Mrs Walker & Mr Foster xx
Moss Bank Road, Swinton, Manchester, M27 9XB

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0161 921 1098

Mrs Statham | School Business Manager

Miss Briffa | School Administrator

[email protected]

Mr M Foster | Head Teacher

Mrs K Walker | Deputy Head Teacher

Mrs K Flanagan | SENCO

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