Y6 27th March 2020

Date: 27th Mar 2020 @ 8:46am

Friday 27th March 2020

Good Moring Year 6 - the sun is still shining (Yeah!) What a difference it makes to the day!

Did you hear/join in with the clapping last night? Thomas, George and I stood at their bedroom window and listened and then we joined in - what a moment! It was a moment in history and one that your children and grandchildren may ask you about in the future! If you're able to, keep a journal or diary about some of the days during this period. As we know through our WWII study, diaries kept by people who actually experienced the event are far more valuable than those simply re-telling what they have learned. Write down what has happened and how it made you feel. As these next few week pass by, your emeotions will change so it might help to write them down x

Today's activities: 

If you haven't already completed the tasks on the task sheet, get those done please.

As always, complete your 5 a day.

Log on to Mathletics and Times Tables Rock Stars to get some maths done.

Writing: Did you write a description about the Titanic yesterday? Tom and George wrote an information text about it. Have a go at that today. They included  facts about the ship and ticket prices for the different classes. They also wrote about the time it hit the iceberg and how long it took to sink.

Reading: If you have your CPG books, have a go at a comprehension. It doesn't have to be the whole piece, just complete a section today and then acrry on with it next week. If not, just read...enjoy it!

And a fun task: I'm going to fill a bowl with water and find some different things that float. We're then going to estimate how many stones we think it's going to take before it sinks! And then of course, we'll try it out! If you have younger siblings at home, they'll love doing this and if you haven't, just have a go for fun! I have a feeling that the lego men are going to end up on each of our floating items (it'll have a Titanic kind of feel).

Enjoy Fri 'yeah' ...you've almost made it through your first week. I can't wait to see some of the activities that you've commpleted as I know many of you will have generated some fantastic pieces.

Take care and look after each other at home.

Love Mrs W xxxx

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